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  1. Blog
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  3. Last updated January 8, 2024

How to Get Professional Headshots (for Free or Cheap)

Strike a pose during golden hour

Woman posing for a professional headshot
Photo courtesy Allef Vinicius

Professional headshots can go a long way in building your professional brand and marketing yourself as a professional. When recruiters do a background search on you, the last thing they want to find is a pixelated, outdated photo of you on your personal website. It’s crucial to keep your public image professional and polished—it can be one of the first things a hiring manager will see when they search your name.

Why you should have a professional headshot

Regardless of your profession (actor, model, entrepreneur, corporate ladder-climber), professional headshots help you build your personal brand, and imply to hiring managers or potential business partners that you're put-together and interested in advancing your career.

They also signal to people you encounter in the workforce that:

  1. You want to make a great first impression. You can't control every in-person first impression. (You could get held up in traffic before an interview! You could get trapped in a downpour on your way to a networking event!) You can 
  2. You want to stay top of mind. Plain and simple, people are more likely to remember you if they know what you look like. Using a professional headshot on your LinkedIn profile and in your email humanizes you, helping others to feel connected and take note.
  3. You want to stand out from other applicants. While we'd love for everyone to take our advice and get a professional headshot, it simply isn't considered mainstream just yet. This is good for you. You'll look extra polished when recruiters and hiring managers do their due diligence. 
  4. You want to show you're taking your career seriously. Headshots show an investment in your career. While you might opt to take them yourself (we'll tell you how!), having any kind of professional imagery front and center shows everyone you work with that you're serious about where your career is going because you've taken the time to focus on the little things.

What is—and isn't—considered a professional headshot?

A professional headshot is an image designed for business or personal branding purposes, representing an individual in a polished and approachable manner. It's characterized by a clear, focused portrayal with proper lighting that accentuates facial features, often against a neutral background or a context that doesn’t distract. Attire is typically appropriate for the industry or profession, and the subject wears a natural yet professional expression. A high-quality image that communicates competence and professionalism is crucial.

On the flip side, unprofessional headshots might include blurry or poorly lit images, distracting backgrounds, inappropriate attire, or overly stylized elements that detract from the professional presentation. Ultimately, a professional headshot is about capturing a polished and approachable image that aligns with one's professional identity and goals.

When and where to use your professional headshot

Job searching in the digital age means you're visible across a variety of platforms at all times. Here are a few of the places you should plan to include your professional headshot:

  1. Your LinkedIn profile. It's the business networking platform! Your headshot was made for this. Don't forget to update your cover image, too.
  2. Your X (formerly Twitter) profile. If you're interested in brand-building—especially if you have a public-facing role—expect to update your X (formerly Twitter) photo. 
  3. Your professional Facebook page. Some jobs don't need professional Facebook pages, but some do. If yours is one of 'em, you'll add your headshot ASAP.
  4. Your email icon. Most email platforms have the option to upload a photo that appears when you pop into someone's inbox. Give the receiver the chance to put a face to the name.
  5. Your professional website. Again, not all jobs require a personal website, but some do. Upload your headshot if you fall into this category.

Do you include a headshot with your resume? No. A resume should address your experience and skills. That's it. Besides, as many companies switch to blind hiring to move diversity metrics, your photo won't be visible to hiring managers until much later in the interview process anyway.

Read more: 21 Tips for Announcing a New Job on LinkedIn + Examples

How can you get professional headshots—cheap?

The bad news is, professional headshots are going to run you at least $150. So, how do you go about getting a high-quality headshot without causing a crater-sized hole in your bank account? Never fear, there are several ways you can get a great photo for cheap—or even for free. But first, let's talk about the tech elephant in the room... AI. 

Read more: 6 Ideas for Picking a LinkedIn Cover Photo

Using AI to generate a professional headshot

Can you use AI to create a professional headshot that really looks like you? Possibly. Creating professional headshots through AI involves complex image processing and generation techniques. There are AI-powered tools and software that can assist in generating or enhancing headshots by adjusting elements like lighting, backgrounds, and facial features. These tools can refine and edit existing images or even create synthetic headshots based on certain parameters.

However, generating entirely realistic and high-quality headshots solely through AI might still have limitations in mimicking the intricate details and nuances of a professional photoshoot. The quality of the input image, the algorithms used, and the level of customization required all influence the final result.

If you're interested in AI-generated headshots, various online platforms and software such as Aragon AI, HeadshotPro, and ProPhotos AI offer these services. But keep in mind that while AI can certainly assist in creating headshots, a human photographer's touch might still be preferred for highly customized or specialized requirements.

Scheduling a photoshoot with a professional

There are two cheaper options if you want to schedule a photoshoot with a real person. If you’ve got $50 to spare, email your local university’s art school to see if a photography student is willing to help for a small fee. Or, if you’re a current student or an alumni, there are often campus events that host free 30-minute headshot sessions. Contact the career services department to find out if they’re hosting an event like this.

If you’ve got $15 to spare, check your city’s community events site for headshot sessions. Some communities host pop-up events at coffee shops or parks or gardens where you can get headshot photography for a small price. Events like these are also the perfect opportunity to network in your area.

Creating your own professional headshot at home

Without AI, the cheapest photoshoot options involve just you and maybe a friend with a great eye. Download a professional headshot app on your phone, like MyHeadshots. The app costs $4.99 and allows you to take and/or import a photo of yourself, crop and edit it, and add it to an uploaded resume.

And finally, if you’re on a shoestring budget, pinching pennies...

Take the headshot yourself for free! Use the self-timer setting on your phone or camera to avoid any awkward selfie headshots, or you can also enlist the help of a trusty friend, family member, or neighbor.

Speaking of selfies... can a selfie be a professional headshot?

Yes, but with some stipulations. A selfie can be a professional headshot if it meets the necessary criteria for professionalism. The defining factors for a professional headshot revolve around the quality, composition, and the impression it creates rather than the specific method of capture.

For a selfie to qualify as a professional headshot, it should:

  • Be clear, well-focused, and captured with a high-quality camera or smartphone.
  • Use good lighting that flatters your features, avoiding harsh shadows or overly dark areas.
  • Have a neutral or unobtrusive background, ensuring that the focus remains on the individual's face.
  • Reflect appropriate attire and grooming suitable for the intended professional context.
  • Convey a professional and approachable demeanor through a natural and confident expression.

Ultimately, the key is to ensure that the selfie maintains the essence of a professional headshot—presenting oneself in a manner that is suitable for business or personal branding purposes.

A few tips for taking a professional-quality headshot yourself

As we said, headshots can be pricey. If outsourcing simply isn’t in your budget, you can take them yourself at home. Try to use an iPhone 7 or later in portrait mode to give yourself an extra advantage. And treat the at-home photoshoot like you would a professional session. Photographer and actress Mika Boorem says, “The easiest way to have a positive experience with taking a professional headshot either of yourself or with a photographer is to have a clear idea of what you want.”

She recommends these six tips for capturing a picture-perfect image:

1. Research

Boorem says to know they outcome you’d like to achieve, you should research and save headshots you like for reference. “This will help you learn how to pose,” she says. “What framing you would like for your headshot. And this also may even help with choices like wardrobe, hairstyle, and make up.”

2. Dress accordingly

“Wardrobe is very important,” Boorem says. “Generally something that is plain is the best option. You want something that compliments but doesn't distract from the focus of the picture—you.” Depending on your industry, you’ll likely lean toward professional attire.

3. Focus on capturing a clear representation of you

You want to look like you. “Your hair and makeup should be close to how you wear them in your everyday life,” Boorem says. “A little bit of glamour never hurt anyone, but it's important that you don't go overboard. You want hair and makeup to be complimentary but not overwhelming.” Practice. Take a few selfies. Boorem adds: “Most likely you will be using some bright lights for your photoshoots. Powder is useful to help with minimizing distracting reflections. Matte skin generally looks clean and professional for headshots.” 

4. Keep the backdrop simple

“If you are doing your own headshots I would suggest a plain background and strong lighting,” Boorem says. “With a nice, plain background, tripod and lighting you can easily take some great photos right on your cell phone.” She adds that an off-white wall will work best, but grays, greens, and blues can be nice as well, ideally in muted tones. 

5. Watch where you stand

“You want to stand about a foot away from the wall,” Boorem says. “The idea is to be close enough to the wall but to not create a shadow behind you on the wall.”

6. Use a tripod if you can

If you don’t have one, Boorem says to “find a way to steady your phone at a flattering height. Usually this is eye level. If you go too high or low with the phone or camera you risk making warped angles.”

Read more: The Best Places to Buy Cheap Business Cards

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